Top 8 Smoke Alarm Benefits and how to Install Smoke Detectors?

What are Smoke Alarms & Smoke Detectors?

A smoke detector is a sensor that senses or detects smoke which is a primary indication of fire. After that, it sends a signal to the smoke alarm to produce a noise.

A smoke alarm upgrades is a device fixed to the ceiling of a room that makes a loud noise if a smoke detector detects smoke in the air to warn people.

So both smoke detectors and smoke alarms are interconnected to each other. Both are used to detect a fire in your home early.

What are the Benefits of a Fire Alarm System?

According to a study, thousands of people are killed due to fire hazards. In recent years the death rates associated with fire hazards have declined by using smoke detectors. If you want to install smoke alarms in North Brisbane in your home or business, get in touch with “Static Electrical & Air”. Our professional and highly experienced local electricians will help you with all electrical services.

Here are the top 8 benefits of smoke detectors and how they can help you.

  • Reduce damage and avoid major damage: By installing a fire alarm, we can avoid major damage to our property because, with the help of a fire alarm, we can detect the presence of smoke and fire at an early stage.

  • Helps To Keep You & Your Family Safe: One of the important benefits of a fire alarm/detector is it helps to keep your whole family safe. A smoke detector will sound an alarm whenever it detects smoke and fire in your house so that you can call the fire department on time.

  • Avoid smoke inhalation: A smoke alarm can save the life of anyone in the house at the time. Many people die of smoke inhalation while trying to escape. Having a smoke alarm system can give you peace of mind and security.

  • Early Detection: The earlier a fire is detected, the faster the fire department will respond. And this can avoid major damage or, even worse, the home’s destruction.

  • Automatically send Alerts To Many Parties: Smart smoke detectors can automatically alert the fire department or related authorities in case of a fire outbreak and send notifications to multiple people through an app, allowing a quick response.    

  • Insurance Discounts: By installing a smoke alarm system in your home or office, you can save money on your house insurance because many insurance companies offer discounts to customers who have these systems. 

  • 24/7 Monitoring: A fire alarm system gives the homeowner protection 24/7 electrical services, no matter where you are. You can easily monitor it when you are away and at night when you are sleeping.

  • Easy & Affordable: The installation of a fire alarm system is easy and affordable. The system is very reasonably priced. Even if you have insurance that can replace lost items, many items are irreplaceable, like photo albums, gifts from family members, and many memories. 

These are the benefits of a home fire alarm system

Do Electricians Install Smoke Alarms?

Yes, Static Electricians & Air technical are well-trained and equipped to safely and efficiently install fire alarms. The size and layout of your home will determine the number of smoke detectors needed.

Hiring a certified electrician to install smoke detectors in your home is highly recommended. For the safety of your home, you should install a smoke alarm detector by a certified electrician. Contact us today or schedule a free home fire alarm system consultation.